15 fundamental tips to improve the ranking of your website in Google

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As we all know, the appearance of your website or online business is a very important factor to take into account when launching it on the market and trying to attract customers.

The problem is that many merchants focus too much on the attractiveness of their online store, neglecting, along the way, the second most important, the visibility of it.

After all the effort you have invested in designing a website that demonstrates the character of your product and its value, you want it to reach the top of Google and cover as many target audiences as possible.

In this post, I am going to give you some tips so that, through the optimization of web positioning, or in English, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you learn how to overcome your competitors in this race towards popularity on the web.

Every page of your website counts

You must bear in mind that the ranking of your website is measured from all the pages that compose it. This implies that all the pages that make up your site are applicable and accordingly should be enhanced. Clearly, the primary page should be the most significant or rather, the one that should be generally well known among your pages since the one best sums up the reason for your work.

The more references there are to your pages on other websites, or internal references on your own website to the different pages, the better positioned the website itself will be. For this reason, be sure to reference well and optimize each of these pages in the best way possible.

Create original and unique content

From the title to the descriptions and the conclusion, absolutely all the content of your website must be written in your own hand (figuratively, of course). This means that, for Google to value your website as "worthy" of a good position in its search results, you should not copy descriptions or titles, much fewer paragraphs of it.

Regarding the images, the same, you will have to be the owner of all the images that make up your website if you want to be well considered in the search engine, as it is very strict in terms of requiring originality in the contents of the pages.

It is true that all this will take a while, and creativity will be the most important factor in giving a good impression of your website to search engines. It will be a long process, but in the end, you will see that it has been worth it when you see your SEO results improving little by little.

Secure the code of your online business without errors

When adding products to an online store or content to a website, make sure that their coding (HTML or CSS) does not have a single error, since a single typing blunder can turn into a debacle for the presence of your site. It is a fact that Google values "clean and flawless" encodings to promote them on its search engine.

Do not forget that modifying or creating code requires complex previous experience and knowledge, which if it is lacking, it is better not to venture into using it and hire an expert programmer to develop it.

Take care of the composition of your URLs

As I mentioned before, the URLs of your pages are also important when it comes to improving your SEO.

You should depict the substance in a sentence, without the need to contain articles and other linguistic structures that are not totally applicable to clarify what can be found in it.

We will give an example: Imagine that you are publishing a page of your website whose theme is "Marketing tips to position your web store higher in Google with SEO", give it a URL like http://www.blogejemplo.es/Consejos-de -marketing-to-position-your-web-store-higher-in-google-with-SEO would be a mistake since it is too long and offers practically the same information as this one: https://www.technicalcarebd.com tips-improve-web-store-positioning, which is much more specific and has a clear message as well.

Do a study prior to choosing what your keywords will be

Your "keywords" or keywords are the best depictions of the motivation behind your site. The SEO of your page will be determined from the keywords you use to know with whom and in which sector you compete, and especially, how consumers can find you.

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What is your website talking about? What do you sell in your online store? Summarized in keywords (individual or compound), you will use them associating them with your pages to let Google know where to find you when consumers search for what you offer. For example, imagine that you sell "leather bracelets" and "leather belts", in which case, you must use the word "leather accessories", or both keywords on your home page, in any case, utilize every one independently on each page of your site where every item is advertised.

When a consumer initiates a search on Google, one or more keywords that match their request will be used. The outcomes will be appeared to relate to the most applicable pages for the keywords. Try not to utilize more than a few keywords for every page, consolidating an excessive number of keywords will just confound Google and lose explicitness for your site.

Google Trends will help you find the keywords that are most relevant within the industry you are in. Likewise, in the event that you are wanting to offer your substance in different dialects, recollect that you should adjust your keywords to the language of your global objective crowd.

For this, the most useful tool will be Google's Global Market Finder, where you can enter your keywords and it will collect the equivalents in the country to which you want to direct your content. Remember that to utilize these two helpful apparatuses you should make a record with Google+, as usual, for nothing.

Keywords are often made up of several words (usually 4 or 5). Take into account what your visitors can find in Google before associating requests or questions whose answer is to reach you. Questions like "Where to buy leather bracelets?" Or basic expressions, for example, "the best cowhide adornments."

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Another good idea would be to analyze the keywords of your competitors. How can we find out what they are? It is simpler than it seems, go to the main page of your website and press the right mouse button, select "Inspect element" and you will see a window show up at the lower part of the screen, this is the "Source Code" or source code. Click on the triangle to the left of the dropdown with the header information (<header>), this will display the information that has been provided for the title (<title>), description (<description>), and keywords ( <keywords>). Thanks to this tool you will be able to collect many ideas to use for your own keywords and descriptions. Search engine optimization.

The role of meta information and how to use it

I don't know if you are already familiar with the term “Meta Information” or not, but what I am sure of is how fundamental it is for the success of your website or online business, as far as SEO is concerned. This information will be the one you should use to fill in the fields that demonstrate the identity of your website.

When you search in Google, the results that appear will have the following format:

  • The Meta Title: This is the title of your page. With a maximum of 60 characters (including spaces), your title must be attractive but also provide the maximum and clearest information possible.

  • Your URL: The URL is what follows the domain name of each of your pages after the slash (/). It will always be made up of several words separated by hyphens (-) and it should not be too long, containing only the most significant words to convey the message.

  • Meta description: Must not exceed 160 characters. Write a description of what visitors will find on this page and remember to use the keywords that are associated with this page. Remember that if the description is too long, Google will shorten it automatically, losing the whole value of your description.

In the case of not filling in the description field, Google will adopt any description from another page for the page without description. Almost certainly, the allocated depiction has nothing to do with the real substance of your page, so it would be losing value. Make sure you don't leave any page description blank.

Adwords, the payment ticket to fame in Google

If you still do not know Google Adwords you are missing the first fundamental step to appear in Google results immediately. By selecting the most relevant keywords and setting a specific budget for these keywords, you can create high traffic to your site.

Adwords provides a fast way to appear in Google ads, those first three links that you will see appear just above the organic results generated by the search engine through SEO.

This tool does not improve your organic positioning exactly, but it will give you the opportunity to make yourself known more quickly than with the creation of content, links, and organic visits.

Remember that whenever you have completed your promoting effort with Adwords, your advertisement will not, at this point be noticeable. So, plan your strategy well so that your investment is profitable and you can reach the maximum number of potential clients.

Learn to use Google Analytics and save information

With this apparatus (likewise claimed by Google) you can make your own investigation methodology dependent on your site. This provides information as necessary as the daily tracking of your website traffic; how many visits you have had, the average connection time, the number of pages visited and the conversion rate of your website or online business (this will have to be set by you for the platform to recognize it)

Original and unique domain name

As a last tip, you were unable to miss a couple of lines devoted to your Domain name. As we have mentioned before about your logo, we could say that it also applies to your domain name. It will be what every one of your guests will recall alongside your logo. It is imperative to make a space name that is alluring and uncovering about the administration you give.

In addition, the geographical extension (.com, .es, .net ) will improve the ranking of your website in the country to which it belongs.

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The role of social media

Now I won't disclose to you anything new that you don't think about the need to utilize interpersonal organizations to advance your site. The most important social networks are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. Having an account with the name of your business in each one of them will always help you to go further on the net and reach more public.

Having a Facebook page, a Facebook store, creating an active Twitter account, and posting often (never leave your profile on a social network abandoned), will help update your content and keep your audience "hooked" on your news.

You will improve your presence on the web, you will receive new clients and you will have access to a network of contacts and distribution without equal.

Also, consider using Google+ to access useful tools like Google Trends and Google Analytics.

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Open a page that contains a blog

Create a page on your website that is dedicated to the publication of blog entries to present a new face of your business, more directed to the customer directly from you to you, the business viewpoint as well as to show a more human face. With a blog, you can offer tips, tricks, and any other type of interesting information for your audience.

But the best of all this is not only the social image that you can offer, the best of all is that each of your publications will improve your SEO and allow you to attract new potential clients.

Only if you have two domains and want to redirect visits from one to another → Create 301 redirects

If you have a website with constant traffic and you want to move it to a new domain, you should bear in mind that it may take Google four to a month and a half to perceive your new area and give it the position it merits in the positioning.

This is why you should be aware of 301 redirects, which will redirect traffic from your old domain to new content automatically when you have linked them.

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Your logo, your identity brand

Your logo is not only a drawing that beautifies your website, but it is a hallmark for everything that is related to your website. This is an expression of the values, objectives, and motives of your work, as well as the first thing that your clients and target audience will recognize.

In addition, it is important that it is well visible on all pages of your website, in addition to that it should carry a link to your home page when your visitors click on it.

The importance of internal and external links

Another aspect to take into account is that all your pages are related to each other, not only because they have a common content in which they mention each other, but also include links from one page to another.

Don't forget to include external links to other materials as well, they will add value to your content. To make these connections you should utilize HTML code. For quality optimization, your links should never represent more than 6% of the total content of the page.

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