Bounce Rate in Google Analytics

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When carrying out an analysis of the traffic of our website, it is very important to know in detail each and every one of the Google Analytics concepts, since in this way we can define the KPIs and we will specify the data that really interests us. In this way, we will be identifying what quality traffic is and what we must do to improve it. This time we are going to focus on the Rebound Percentage, know what its importance is and how we can do to reduce its rate. What is the bounce rate in google analytics?          

What is the Bounce Rate?

The Bounce Percentage is a metric that is given by Google Analytics and that measures the percentage of visitors who leave our page seeing only one page or without doing any type of interaction. Therefore, the rate indicates the level of interest of users on a page.

How does Google Analytics calculate the bounce rate?

By establishing a percentage, analytics makes a division between the number of visits that have not only visited one page and left and the total visits of the page itself. Let's imagine that our page has had 3,000 visits in total and there have been about 1,500 users who have not navigated beyond that page and have not made any interaction. What is a good bounce rate in 2020?

1,500 / 3,000 = 0.5 = 50% bounce rate

Low bounce rate

Through a low bounce rate we can reach several conclusions:

  • We are attracting quality traffic: Being a low bounce rate means that fewer people leave as soon as they open the page, and therefore, what we are offering interests the user.

  • Our content is good: We are offering content with relevance and we give value to the user himself. It is also well organized and that is what attracts visitors.

  • We have good usability and that helps us retain our visitors, that they browse for longer and you can visit other pages on the web.

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High bounce rate

Having a high bounce rate gives us the information that things are not being done well. We are not developing work in terms of content or usability. We are attracting traffic from visitors who are not interested in our page.

Normally a high bounce rate shows that the user has not found what he was looking for and therefore leaves the page without doing any type of interaction.

Even so, it is not the only determinant to know if the traffic is of quality or not, we must see other types of values, such as the average duration of navigation, conversions, and a very long etcetera. How to reduce bounce rate.

How can we improve our bounce rate?

As always, it will be necessary to carry out an exhaustive analysis in Google Analytics, to see the number of visits we have, which pages come from our website, and which ones have a high bounce rate. It is also important to detect the time spent in them to have more clues about what is and what is not quality traffic. Bounce rate formula.

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Once the pages with a high bounce rate have been detected, it is necessary to know what could go wrong. Normally, the responsibility falls mainly on the content and the usability of the page. Exit rate vs bounce rate. Therefore, to lower this percentage, we must make much more interesting content, content that is creating value for the user and has a good structure. Keep in mind that the first action of the visitor is to scan the information, and if they see that it does not look attractive, it can cause them to leave the page immediately without even having read the content. Bounce rate meaning.

In the event that our website is an eCommerce, and we have a very high bounce rate in product files, we must focus on good content. Visitors are looking for more information, so good photos, good product descriptions and all kinds of information that give them more, is something very necessary.

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Does the bounce rate affect ranking?

If we are concerned if the bounce rate affects the positioning of our website, the answer is no, it does not affect. Of course, positioning is not the only important thing. What is the use of being the first in Google if our objectives are not going to be met later, and this does not turn into conversions? The number of visits matters, yes, but it is more important than they are of quality and that it helps to achieve our objectives. What is the exit rate.

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