Most 10 popular social media site

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 In our attempt to answer questions and generate information about marketing, eCommerce, and mCommerce, with its various derivations such as digital marketing, B2B eCommerce, B2C, eCommerce on responsive sites or in apps, we have noticed that one of the topics that arouse the most interest are the social networks.


Undoubtedly the most popular and popular social network in the world (except in countries where it is blocked, such as China, for example). The site has more than one billion active users per month. It was released on February 4, 2014, at Harvard, limited only to this university.

Later, due to the great popularity of the service, it was extended to more universities in the Boston area, and later to leading universities in the United States and the world, until it was finally opened in 2006 to anyone who wanted an account. Anyone over 13 can have an account on this social network.


Although a social network was not created initially, a video-sharing site, it has many functions of a social network, such as being able to share content, respond with a video, with comments, have conversations with other users, among others.

It was created by 3 former employees of the Internet payment company PayPal, in February 2005. In November 2006 it was bought by Google for 1.650 billion dollars.

This social network differs from Twitter and Facebook in that it is focused on doing business. It was founded in 2002, launched on May 5, 20'3, and is used for professional networking. In 2006 it reached 20 million members and by March 2015 it had 364 million users in more than 200 countries and territories.

It is available in 24 languages. Its competitors are Viadeo (a French company) and XING (a Chinese company).

The search giant's social network Google+ (pronounced Google Plus) was launched in 2011. The service has, according to the last count in 2013, more than 50 million active users.

Its functions are to be able to share posts and photos on the site, group the users to whom it has been added into different Circles (instead of just a general one such as Friends), an integrated instant messenger, video chats called Hangouts, among others.

Created in San Francisco, California in March 2006, this social network was launched in July of that year to the entire world. In 2013 Twitter was one of the most visited sites in the world. In May 2015 it had 500 million users, of which more than 302 million are active.

Instagram is a social network (available mainly through an app) to share photos and videos that allows users, from which you can also send that content to other social networks. It currently belongs to Facebook.

This network was launched in 2010 as a free mobile app. It quickly grew to more than 300 million users (based on December 2014 numbers). It is the fastest growing social network.

This service allows you to share short, 6-second videos that go back to the start and play again. The service (which is used mainly in its app) was founded in June 2012, and Twitter acquired it a few months later, in October.


Tumblr is a site that has social networking and microblogging functions (that is, a place to share content like a blog, but in a shorter and more immediate way). The site was founded in February 2007 and Yahoo now owns the site.

Users can follow others' blogs, blog privately, share posts. As of August 2015, Tumblr had over 248 million blogs. The company is located in New York City.

Pinterest is a social network, which has a mobile app, where you can share images. It was created in 2009, released in March 2010, initially for just a small group of people. It has grown to more than 70 users (in the last study released in 2013).

Each of its content is called a pin (which can be organized into topic boards). It is said that more than 80% of its visitors are women, however, there are countries, such as Great Britain, where more than half are men.

It belongs to the same company as QQ and works in a similar way to Facebook, and it follows in the number of users. It does not demand real identities. Most of its users are Chinese. Chinese language.

 She has incorporated Stories and is supported by the trio she forms with Facebook and Instagram. Whatsapp Is the best application for any people's choice. 


With almost a billion users, WeChat is an instant messenger that is very well received in the Asian continent. It has multiple functionalities.
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