Bounce rate, a metric that affects your entire site

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One of the main objectives of everyone who has a website is to offer quality content to its users who enter it. For this, there are metrics that in some way allow us to know if our site is being efficient for the public we are addressing; one of them is the bounce rate.

When a person enters a clothing store without lasting at least 1 minute and without going through the most important sections; he surely did not find anything with the naked eye that might attract his attention. Perhaps the mannequins weren't wearing a style of clothing that stood out; the light was inadequate or there were too many people to enjoy a freer and more comfortable transit through the store... Anyway, reasons that led the person to leave without entering all departments of the store, go to the changing room and much less register their buy at the checkout. Bounce rate formula.

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The same is true of websites. Many users simply enter the first page and decide to leave without interacting with the rest of the sections. This is where the metric we talked about at the beginning comes in, but what is the bounce rate?

What does the bounce rate measure?

The bounce rate is a metric that Google Analytics uses to measure how many visitors to the site go through the same page from which they entered, without having interacted with the rest of the website. That is, it allows us to know the bounce rate that is generated from all the visits that leave the page without entering another section.

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Is the bounce rate a negative thing?

Saying that a high bounce rate is a negative for your site; is to close the spectrum of the diversity of functions that websites have. Remember that there are pages through which the user can enter the rest of the content; be it product sections, blog articles, the process to make a purchase, etc. Good bounce rate.

In these cases, of course, a high bounce rate is a matter to pay attention to and double-check; Visitors are expected to navigate the entire site and not just stay on the home page.

On the contrary, in the sites that are formed by a single page, "one page", for example, a blog; or in which visitors are expected to log into that specific page when reading an article or content of interest; It is very normal to have a high bounce rate, as analytics considers this page views uniquely as a bounce. Bounce rate calculator.

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This does not mean that it is a negative point, since a person who enters the site, reads all the text and identifies relevant information for them; in the same way, it will be counted as one more figure of the rebound percentage. Although, on the other hand, the user who enters, scrolls, and exits in less than a minute, will also be considered a bounce. So how will we know if in these cases the high bounce rate is a warning or not of the effectiveness or deficiency of our content and marketing strategies? Modifying our Analytics code! How to improve the bounce rate.

Yes, it is possible to change the Analytics code for the latter case, for example by setting a dwell time that cancels the bounce. A scroll event can also be another option to stop considering visitors as a bounce rate.

Just remember that with this action you do not modify the way your users interact on your site. What you are doing is a change in the way you measure your bounce rate according to the objectives of your website.

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One aspect that we must not forget about the relationship between the bounce rate and Google is that without a doubt; whatever the reason your website might have a high bounce rate; Google considers this aspect something negative, and therefore your website may suffer the consequences of a bad rating. Bounce rate meaning.

For this search engine, a user who stays longer on the site is a reflection of the relevance of your page to him; otherwise, in those that are part of the bounce rate, as it is synonymous with the fact that your site does not offer information of interest to them.

Improve the bounce rate of your site

If your website belongs to the first group; So, as we already mentioned, the high bounce rate is something that you should not leave for another day. Analyzing the reasons why your users decide not to browse your entire site is important to identify the areas of opportunity in your strategy and optimize them to obtain the results you want.

Carefully analyze whether the bounce rate is high overall for your site or is only higher on certain pages. If the bounce is generated in one or some pages in particular; then it will be important to check if the content is consistent with the strategy you use to attract your visitors to those pages. Good bounce rate.

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For example, in the case of display advertising ads; The message that is transmitted must be clear to get the audience to take the next step towards your website, otherwise the bounce rate that occurs on landing pages may rise. What is the bounce rate in google analytics?

The content, the type of calls to action, the images used, even the colors used are factors that influence the interaction that users have on websites, so it is worth doing a detailed review of these again aspects and if it is necessary to create alternate versions to see the behavior of users before the change, probably a small action is what increases or decreases the bounce rate of your website. Website bounce rate checker.

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One last recommendation is to carry out this analysis with the help of experts who give you a broader picture of the health of your website. One last we can give you the advice you need to analyze and optimize your page!

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