How to define KPIs in Google Analytics

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Analyzing the data that Analytics offers is a task that can sometimes seem like an ordeal. The secret is to know how to organize all the data and filter the information taking into account the type of website we want to analyze. If we focus on eCommerce, the tasks are not only to obtain conversions or sell but to improve the result it is very important to analyze and define the best KPIs.

What is a KPI in Analytics?

KPIs are key performance indicators and will reflect the results and performance of the website that we are analyzing. It is very necessary to know how to interpret KPIs and to know how to define them taking into account the objectives and the type of website from which we want to interpret the data.

What are the general KPIs?

1. Number of visits: It is one of the most important metrics. We will know what is the number of visits that enter our site. However, if we only look at this data, we will not find out anything. You have to know the quality of the visits, where they come from, how long they stay, etc. Therefore, it is important to contextualize each data and contrast it with other metrics.

2.Rebound percentage and time of permanence: The data that shows us the time of permanence on a website is very relevant. This will give us a clue about the quality of the users who visit our site. The bounce rate, for its part, is the percentage of users who enter the web and leave it without interacting with it. In this case, if the rate is high, we are dealing with a website that is not showing the user's needs when they enter the page. You have to be careful with these data since you always have to contrast them with others.

3.Conversion percentage: It refers to how many visitors who have entered the web make a conversion, that is, they perform one of the actions defined as the objective.

4. Source/medium: This type of metric will clarify the source from which our traffic comes. The most important are:

  • Direct traffic: This is the traffic that comes from users who know the domain address and enter the web directly.
  • Organic traffic: It is the one that comes through the search engines, so here comes into action how well or badly we have positioned our site.
  • CPC traffic: It is the traffic through cost per click, that is, in the case of Google, the traffic through AdWords.
  • Emailing campaigns: The traffic that comes through the email campaigns that have been carried out.

KPIs depending on the nature of the web

Next, we are going to detail the types of web that exist and what would be the ideal KPIs to better reach our objectives

News or content website:

The objective of this type of site is to retain users, obtain more and more subscriptions to the portal, etc. That is why it is very important to build loyalty by satisfying the user's search needs. Therefore, these are the most important KPIs for this type of website.

1. Conversion Rate: Remember that the conversion rate is the percentage of users who have achieved the set objectives. In this type of website, it is usually the subscription to the portal, getting leads, etc.

2. Bounce Rate

3. Visit depth: In this case, we are analyzing the page views for each of the visits. This will help us decide whether or not we are generating interest in the visitor.

4. Percentage of new visits: It will show us the percentage of new visits that we have had. It is very important to know if we are attracting new users.


1.Traffic of your eCommerce: It is the fundamental data, but yes, you have to know how to contextualize it and know the reason for each figure.

2. Conversion rate: In this case, it is the percentage of users who have completed the purchase. This is the goal of e-commerce itself.

3. Average purchase value: The average value metric of the purchase receipt.

4. Average visit time: This data will indicate the average time that users are on the page, and therefore we can see if the visits have the quality or not.

5. Visitor rate of new visitors and recurring visitors: It offers us data to see what type of traffic accesses our website is, what is the rate of returning visitors, and what are the visitors who enter for the first time. It is very important to know the degree of loyalty that we are going to have.

6. Traffic sources: What are the sources through which the traffic comes? As we have already explained previously, these can be direct traffic, CPC, organic, etc.

7.Bounce Rate: We have already explained it on previous occasions, and it will show us the quality of the traffic.

Corporate and service websites

1. Conversion Rate: In this case, the conversion is the leads that are obtained, the subscription to newsletters, etc.

2. Cost per lead: How much does each of the leads we get cost us?

3. Percentage of new visitors

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