The number of ads it can display has been limited. For more information, go to the Policy Center.

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Hi and welcome to our technical care bd blog.

If I got in here for sure I started making money from Google Adsense, but man-made it a night, I saw this post on his Google Adsense dashboard.

The number of ads it can display has been limited. For more information, go to the Policy Center.

The notice states that “The number of ads that can be run has been limited. For more details, visit the Policy Center.

Upon entering the Policy Center for more details, we found:

The number of ads it can display has been limited. For more information, go to the Policy Center.

Now what?

Many publishers have been receiving this message and others on the site in an announcement on their blogs.

Google Adsense has been making changes to its policies and it is creating a lot of confusion for all of us.

What about our blog?

For us, there was only a significant increase in visits to receive notifications.

Our blog receives considerable traffic and always visits, which is what Google is concerned with, in our opinion.

According to the notice, “BEFORE CHRIST Currently, the ads you serve in your country are limited due to concerns about invalid traffic. We will review and update this limit automatically. We will continue to monitor your traffic.

We have to understand that Google will automatically check while monitoring our traffic.

In short, the central theme is “blog traffic".

What traffic sources do we use on the blog?

This issue is very controversial, we will use organic traffic and social traffic, mainly from Facebook allied to ManyChat without any problem, but for the information in the AdSense groups they say “Facebook Traffic

"Is what I create valid traffic

How limited has the number of ads been?

What falls is waiting, but we are also waiting.

Some comments from other publishers mention what they are waiting for, this is the best post your content normally and send traffic.

We hope to have more Google Adsense details on this subject ready.

When we have more details, we will update this article again, because we are currently having AdSense issues with the problem.

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