5 tech tricks to cope with the stress of working from home

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Working from home can be both an advantage and a burden. With the rise of technology, many companies tend to hire fewer staff to reduce company costs. It might seem that telecommuting is much more convenient than work-site work as telecommuters enjoy flexible work hours, less supervision, and greater freedom.

However, there is another side that is less visible. Most teleworkers have to face many difficulties in balancing their personal and professional life because they have to complete several tasks and it is difficult to differentiate between home and work tasks. Another big challenge is the lack of concentration. Working at home is also synonymous with constant distractions that quickly grab your attention while the project you're working on waits. Social networks, TV, and calls from your friends are factors that contribute to lowering the efficiency of your work. As a result, you are less productive and spend more time on tasks that have never been long before. Also, a person can be a distraction on their own. The home environment is often welcoming and familiar, which makes few people want to start working once they have turned on their laptops.

Irregular work hours often have negative effects on the human body and behavior, which can lead to stress and anxiety unless you decide to change your work routine.

Top 5 Tips for Relieving Stress

Here are 5 simple everyday tips you can incorporate to reduce stress levels when you work from home.

1. Make a schedule

Working from home requires the same discipline as working in an office. The first rule of thumb, if you want to avoid the stress caused by work, is to choose a set hours that fit your body rhythm. For example, if you are a person at night, do not force yourself to work as soon as you wake up. Give yourself time to get started on a less stressful task before getting to work on your projects. The next thing you can do is use apps that help you keep track of time to better manage your schedule and motivate you to finish your homework before time runs out. One of them is Tomato, a simple timer that allows you to alternate between work and rest times and monitor your progress throughout the day.

2. Exercise regularly

A negative effect of working remotely is that you lead a more sedentary lifestyle, which can harm your physical and mental health unless you are in the habit of exercising. Any physical exercise is considered a good remedy for stress and anxiety. You can run in the morning before breakfast or hit the gym once you've finished with your to-do list. Exercise produces dopamine and endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones that also reduce your perception of pain. To get to know your body better, you can use sports bands or watches that monitor your pulse during the training session.

3. Get to know your coworkers

The biggest threat of teleworking is the lack of face-to-face communication, which has a huge impact on the emotional state of the worker. Some jobs are not designed for teamwork and put a person in an isolated environment that can make employees happier at first since they do not have to talk to harmful people, but at the same time deprive them of the social dimension of working life. Living this lifestyle for years can lead to a variety of health disorders, including insomnia, depression, heart disease, etc. The need for social interaction in real life is even greater when someone works remotely. For this reason, one should try to establish good connections with colleagues outside of work. You can organize a party or offer your colleagues a trip to visit different places together. It's a great way to avoid the negative effects of social isolation that comes from teleworking.

4. Maintain good sleep hygiene

Healthy sleep habits are the foundation for preventing numerous stressors that are typical of any job. However, teleworkers need to be even more mindful of their sleep hygiene, as flexible hours very often result in sleep deprivation. Approaching deadlines and being involved in multiple problems at once can cause insomnia and other sleep disturbances in individuals who work remotely. It's hard to get into a sleep schedule, the least you can do is start using blue light software or apps to give your eyes a break.

5. Cultivate a positive attitude

You can improve your resistance to stress by developing an appropriate attitude towards the obstacles that come your way at work. Get used to knowing how to say "no" to people and things that you don't like. Start listening to your needs and what keeps you tense. Working from home is not always a problem if you know how to take advantage of it. As an alternative, you can also start practicing meditation and breathing exercises to help employees to stay calm in the face of the stress caused by work.

How to use technology to de-stress

1.Apps to relieve stress. You can find dozens of apps that are meant to help you deal with stress after a hard day at work or in a tense situation. You can find the one you like. There are from video games to sounds of nature that sometimes have a positive effect on the human mind.

2.Apple Watch breathing exercises. If the Apple Watch is an essential part of your equipment, make the most of it and do breathing exercises whenever you feel uncomfortable or anxious.

3.Create a smart home. Housework is one of the most common reasons for increased stress levels, especially among women. By installing smart devices that greatly reduce the time spent on housework, you can focus on how you feel and on ways to improve your emotional comfort.

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