Windows vs Mac vs Linux, which one will best suit what you need

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Hello Technicalcarebd! It is a pleasure to be here with you again and with an article that you will surely like. Many wonder about the differences between the operating systems that currently lead the sector. Welcome to a new post that will answer many of your questions.

Windows vs Mac vs Linux

In the first instance, some may have entered thinking that this article was going to be a competition between operating systems. Although in real life they compete with each other for their share of the market, we want to go further. It is not about which is better or worse, because they are all different.

So today, at, we are going to talk about them and tell you which one will be the most useful depending on your circumstances.


Without a doubt, the most known and used operating system worldwide. It is estimated that 80% of computers around the world use some version of Windows. Unlike Apple, Microsoft, its creator, has only stuck to the development of this software. It does not manufacture equipment and there are other brands and companies whose PCs are based on their operating system.

Then we leave you the advantages and disadvantages of owning a Windows.

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  • By taking 80% of the current market with its operating system, you have practically everything at your fingertips. Wide variety of equipment and attachments for practically any imaginable use.

  • Following point one, the same happens with other programs and applications. You have availability and compatibility with almost all existing software.

  • Very easy to find solutions to your problems through the Internet (forums, websites, etc.). From maintaining your PC, cleaning it from malware or formatting and reinstalling the operating system to installing peripherals or games, you will find everything, something not possible with the other two cases where the catalog is not so extensive.

  • It is the most comfortable to use for various activities.

  • It has the largest compatibility catalog and therefore of games that exist. Very few games in the world for PC do not have a version for Windows.

  • By not manufacturing their equipment and running on so many types of hardware, it gives a lot of freedom. You can have an Intel or a Ryzen, an Nvidia or an RX, one type of RAM or another, and so on. Unlike Apple, you have complete freedom of components and modification.

  • Like Linux and unlike Mac OS, it is possible to use Windows for free, even in a limited version. This does not limit the ability to play, surf the Internet, or work with it.

  • Every few years (between 2 and 4) new Windows operating systems come out. Within these, you find Service Packs (updated versions) giving the feeling of constant progress.


  • Having almost all the control of the sector is not good for everything. Hackers and crackers, viruses, Trojans, worms, spies, and malware of any kind stalk Windows computers all the time. It is the most attacked and most dangerous operating system.

  • Although Windows 10's 'Essential' antivirus is the best you've ever had before, it's still very vulnerable. Other programs, free or paid, are needed to be able to properly protect the computer.

  • Taking into account that Mac Os is already included in the price of Apple's PC and that Linux is free (or at most paying for the CD), the Windows license is considerably expensive, becoming ridiculous in versions like the Pro (professional ) that reaches 200 euros (and that now they control prices, years ago you saw Office or Ultimate versions for 400 euros).

  • The software is degenerative in nature. By this, we mean that although well maintained it can last for years, in the end, it becomes so slow and insufferable that you have to format. People are known to have had Linux or Mac for more than a decade and the PC works almost like the first day. This with Windows is extremely difficult.

  • Steady progress is fine, although it can be annoying. The interface changes that Microsoft makes every few years annoys many users. You also find that every time you release a new operating system, your hardware is half obsolete (or completely obsolete) to be able to enjoy it properly.

  • You have to know how to maintain it and use programs for it. If not, the computer will not only slow down, but alert or error messages will appear more and more frequently. It is the most unstable of the 3.

Mac OS

As soon as we hear or read the word 'Mac' it is inevitable not to think of Apple. The largest company in history reached the top thanks to its Macintosh long before the iPod or the iPhone crossed their minds. Currently, the MAC OS X version is used with the system and interface known as El Capitan.

Then we leave you the advantages and disadvantages of owning a MAC OS.


  • Apple designs both its software and hardware, or uses hardware from other leading companies. This ensures the quality of the hardware and that the software (that is, your operating system) has full functionality and compatibility.

  • Since 2007 Apple allows the possibility of putting Windows on your desktops.

  • The Mac OS interface is easier to understand at first glance.

  • As only 12% of the market is made up of PCs with MAC OS, they are not usually the target of hackers and viruses, so they turn out to be more secure computers.

  • Its operating system is more stable and very rarely crashes or crashes.

  • It has very good programs of its own. Some for editing, design, and creative work.

  • It is a good advantage that in accessories such as Bluetooth, wifi or others, they are already integrated into the equipment, while in the usual PCs you have to buy them separately.

  • In the case of your laptops, the batteries last longer than conventional laptops.


  • Perhaps the greatest of all. Their equipment and products in general are outrageously expensive. Independent studies of the technology market have estimated that of the final price a consumer pays for an Apple product, between 30% and 35% is simply paying for "the brand."

  • As its hardware is exclusive, it is almost impossible to find generic alternatives. That means that if any cable, accessory, or component breaks, you will have to pay much more to replace it. For example, a power cable for the iMac can cost you a whopping 20-25 euros, while one for a normal PC will not exceed 5 or 6 euros.

  • Although it is possible to put Windows on Apple PCs, it must be said that it is not a very good idea, since the computer sees its speed and efficiency greatly reduced if both operating systems are installed.

  • The interface does not have very complex configurations and it is the one with the least customization of the three.

  • While its mobile operating system (iOS) is renewed and updated every so often, the MAC OS is almost obsolete. It's MAC OS X dates from 1999, and although the latest version is from 2015, many elements of its software are more than a decade old and cause a sense of lack of innovation.

  • It does not have compatibility with most games like Windows, but it does have more than Linux.


The most unknown and least used of the three. Created by a Finn at the University of Helsinki in 1991, it is many more years old than we think. Since then many versions and improvements have been released.

Do not be fooled because the capabilities of this operating system are vast. It actually hit a boom when industrial titans started using Linux in their computers and products. The most notorious example could be that of Sony with its Play Station. In recent years, it has been taking more and more market share and this is due to the fact that its use is being simplified little by little. If over time it becomes a Windows with the benefits it already has, it could be a tough competitor in the sector.

As in the previous two, now we put its main advantages and disadvantages:


  • It is the cheapest, being practically free.

  • It has the largest existing free software network. What does this mean? That with Mac OS or Windows almost all applications, programs, and all software, in general, have to be paid for. Whether you buy the premium, pro, senior, full version, or whatever you want to call it, you have to pay. With Linux this is not seen very often, being able to download things for free.

  • Well programmed and maintained, it is the most stable of the three (above Mac OS).

  • It is the operating system that consumes the least resources and therefore provides higher performance. This is why many companies use it to manage and carry servers.

  • Vulnerabilities are detected and corrected faster than in any other operating system.


  • It has almost no commercial software. Free software is fine, although in most cases it is very simple.

  • Almost 90% of today's games don't work on Linux. It is of the three, the most incompatible operating system in this regard.

  • Very difficult (practically impossible) to find support in the event of problems. You will have to fix them yourself and/or with the help of tutorials created by the community.

  • Perhaps worst of all, the need to know Unix. It is not strange to see a Linux user start writing lines of code to access or use programs, which for most users is the most cumbersome.

Choose the one that best suits

Once you have seen the advantages and disadvantages of each operating system, you can decide. If you are a gamer, if you are going to work with your computer or just to use it in a daily and simple way, you have different choices. In the end, the last word is yours. One thing is clear, no operating system is perfect.

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