Tired of Cortana? Install Google Assistant on Windows and Linux

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Personal assistants are more and more among us. Microsoft has Cortana, Amazon has Alexa, Apple has Siri and Google has Google Assistant. These assistants help us to use the computer and mobile devices more efficiently, using only our voice. If we get used to their commands, they can become the most useful tools in our day-to-day life. However, there is a problem, and it is that these assistants are not available for all devices, and the one we use on our mobile, for example, may not be available on the PC.

One of the most complete and used assistants that we will all have access to is Google Assistant. This assistant is included in Android, of course, and also has a specific version for Chrome OS and iOS. However, when we leave these operating systems, the Google Assistant does not appear anywhere, neither in Windows nor in macOS or Linux.

Now, a developer has set out to bring Google Assistant to desktop operating systems thanks to an unofficial, open-source client, which we can download right now. This is Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client.

Google Assistant on Windows, macOS, or Linux

Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client (quite a long name, but at the same time descriptive) is an open-source program based directly on the Google Assistant SDK to bring its functionalities to desktop operating systems. For now, it is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, so we can almost certainly install it on our PC to use it.

The design of this assistant is inspired by the Chrome OS, a floating window that opens at the bottom and from which we can access all the information that we request. Also, we can choose between a light theme and a dark theme. The assistant is based on Electron and has interesting functions such as an automatic updater that will allow us to always be up-to-date to fully enjoy everything the program offers us.

Unfortunately, its implementation is somewhat complicated and long. It is necessary to carry out almost 30 steps from when we download the program until we obtain our API and Google Token and enter it in the program so that it can work. A long process but, if we follow this guide, it will not give us any problems.

Once installed and configured, we can launch the Google Assistant using the Windows + Shift + A keyboard shortcut. If we don't like this command, we can change it from the settings.

The program has some limitations. For example, the "Ok Google" or "Hey Google" commands do not work correctly. In addition, being a program under development, it may have errors. We hope that little by little, all this will improve. If so, Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client may become the best Cortana alternative for Windows 10.


This program is completely free and open source. Any user interested in trying it can do it without any problem. The latest version of the program can be downloaded free of charge from its GitHub repository web page.

It has been several months since the last update, and the developer has a lot of work to do to improve the client. Therefore, we hope that it does not fall into oblivion and that work continues to improve this alternative to Cortana, at least until Google decides to close the project.

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