What is the best internet connection to watch Netflix in 2021?

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With all the operators we can currently watch Netflix, although the truth is that some offer a slightly superior experience than others. In addition, there are several operators that offer Netflix, HBO, or Amazon Prime in their packages, which makes it necessary for them to have good performance when viewing this content by streaming. Based on the latest available data measured by the streaming video giant itself, this is the best operator and the best Internet connection to watch Netflix in 2021.

Before entering into the matter with the data that allows us to know which one or which are the best operators to watch Netflix in Spain, we have to pay thoughtfulness regarding the Web association speed suggestions made by the organization itself. These are the minimum necessary speeds of the Internet connection:

  •  0.5 megabits consistently - required broadband affiliation speed

  • 1.5 megabits every second - suggested broadband association speed 

  • 3 megabits for every second - suggested for SD quality 

  • 5 megabits for every second: suggested for HD quality 

  • 25 megabits for each second - Suggested for Ultra HD quality

As we can see, any fiber connection in Spain (with very few exceptions) is enough to play Netflix in 4K (UHD). With ADSL the problems begin, as with mobile connections with 3G and 4G in saturated areas or with poor coverage.

Netflix speed rating

Netflix measures the network performance of internet service providers (ISPs) that stream Netflix in two steps. They first divide the main time sessions into groups of 0.5 megabits per second (Mb / s) based on the maximum possible bit rate, and then calculate the time-weighted bit rate that was achieved for all sessions in each group. . Second, they calculate the global hour distribution of these 0.5 Mb / s groups and normalize each ISP to this same distribution.

With this process, they have obtained the following results for Spain updated to December 2020, which will serve as a reference to choose the best connections for the year 2021:

Average speed of 3.8 Mb / s in Movistar, Orange, Vodafone, Jazztel and Euskaltel.

The average speed of 3.6 Mb / s in R Cable and Telecable.

Average speed of 3.4 Mb / s , Movistar ADSL, Orange ADSL or Jazztel ADSL.

The results of all the operators in our country are fairly even, highlighting the performance of the fiber networks of Telephone, Orange, and Vodafone, which are the most outstanding.

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