The 6G will arrive in South Korea in 2026

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The nation will dispatch inside 6 years the principal pilot insight on the accompanying remote speed standard.

For a couple (or more) years we have been on the subject of 5G, the new standard for wireless browsing speed. And in fact, in Spain, we are in the middle of the Second Digital Dividend, with a new process of retuning DTT to make room for the demands of 5G. In any case, in South Korea, they as of now might suspect straightforwardly 10 years ahead. And the future is called 6G.

6G for South Korea

Although 5G is still in its initial adoption phases in many countries around the world, South Korea wants to popularize its future, 6G, somewhere in the range of 2028 and 2030, as the PM of the Asian nation, Chung Se-Kyun, has assured in a meeting of ministers related to Science and Technology held on August 6.

The strategy consists of the preventive development of the ‘Next Generation Technologies security standard’, as well as of the “high added value patents”, and the establishment of the foundations of R&D and industry. To actualize this arrangement, the public authority will contribute 200 billion prevailed upon five years beginning in 2021 to make sure about center high-hazard 6G innovation.

The government will first promote 10 strategic tasks in 6 key areas:

- Hyper-performance

- Hyper-bandwidth

- Hyper-precision

- Hyper-space

- Hyper-intelligence

- Hyper-confidence

With this they need to "preventively secure cutting edge innovation." it will likely accomplish an information transmission speed of 1 terabyte for each second, which is multiple times quicker than that of 5G versatile administrations. Also reducing the delay time to one-tenth of 5G services - 0.1ms for wireless services and 5ms or less for wired services)

6G in the clouds

Another of the objectives set by South Korea is that 6G communication services "be available up to 10 km above ground level." Once these technologies are secured, the government will launch a pilot project to upgrade the existing telecommunications network to 6G starting in 2026.

The government has established five main areas for the pilot project:

-Digital healthcare: remote surgery, biometric encryption using quantum cryptography technology

-Immersive content: real-time hologram meetings over long distances and not face to face

-Self-driving cars: flying cars

-Smart cities: smart transport without traffic jams

-Smart factories: touch-based, real-time precision control.

Samsung is also already thinking about 6G, the next standard for wireless speed, which according to them is expected by 2028. But isn't it still too early?

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