This is how the controversial new WhatsApp update works

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WhatsApp has released a new privacy policy that has generated some controversy about what it can do with our data

In recent days we have received a notice on our WhatsApp account where the company tells us that it has implemented a new privacy policy and that we must accept yes or yes to continue using the application. These new conditions have generated some controversy among the more than 2,000 million users: who do not see well that the social network Facebook can share and use your personal data for the rest of its services and commercial purposes.

With this new privacy policy, WhatsApp can share from your phone number to the basic information of your profile or the location of where we are. Likewise, contacts are also affected by the agenda, statuses, payment details; information related to user activity in the application ... That is a series of policies that allow the social network to be a little more our shadow if possible.

Who is affected by the new privacy policy?

If you feel somewhat concerned after reading the fine print of the WhatsApp update, we must tell you that you have nothing to worry about. This new privacy policy has not been possible to carry out in the European Union, since the General Data Protection Regulation prevents Facebook from sharing WhatsApp data with third parties. However, more and more users have decided to unsubscribe from the messaging platform to try others that take better care of their data.

In this section, there are applications such as Telegram or Signal, the latter has been the application recommended by great personalities such as Edward Snowden or Elon Musk because it cannot access the data of its customers.

In this sense, and given the great controversy generated by the new privacy policy, WhatsApp has disclosed what it can and cannot do with your personal data. All this clarification has been carried out through the WhatsApp website and its Twitter profile on social networks, where it has answered some questions posed by the community in recent days.

What can WhatsApp do with our data?

In the first place, those responsible for the platform ensure that they cannot see our private messages or listen to our calls. "Whatever you share, remains between you," justifies the application on its website. On the other hand, WhatsApp ensures that they do not keep the records of the calls to whom we are writing or calling from application; They are also not allowed to see our shared location as it is encrypted, which means that no one can see your location except the people you share it with.

Lastly, WhatsApp has ensured that it does not share our data with Facebook: «When you give us permission, we access the numbers in your phonebook only so that messaging is fast and reliable. We do not share your contact lists with other applications offered by Facebook. In this sense, the groups also remain private and you can download your data at any time to see what information they have about you.

In case that after all the explanations, you still have your doubts about the operation of the privacy policy, to unsubscribe from WhatsApp we will only have to go to settings, select the option 'Account', and click on the button 'Delete my account 'so that everything we have in the application is deleted, deleting messages, groups and the backup copy of Google Drive.

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